How to get the log of Tapo app

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App logs are critical to further analyze the problem. This article will guide you on how to get Tapo app log.

If you want to get the Tapo Camera’s log, please refer to the following FAQ: How to get the log of Tapo Camera

Note: Make sure you download the latest version of the app from Google Play or the App Store.

Step 1. Launch the Tapo app and log in. Click on Me at the bottom, and then select Support Center.

Screenshot of Tapo app Me page.

Step 2. Choose the Tapo device for which you need to collect logs. Here we take the Tapo C210 as an example.

Screenshot of Tapo app support center page.Screenshot of Tapo app support center page.

Step 3. Select the relevant FAQ, slide to the bottom of the FAQ, and select Contact Technical Support, then select Email Support.

Screenshot guide for accessing Contact Technical Support.Screenshot guide for accessing Email support.

Step 4. Select the corresponding issue type and fill in the rest of the information. Then check Add App Logs, then tap Submit.

Note: If you have contacted TP-Link technical support, please attach your reference number, such as email TKIDXXX.

Screenshot of Tapo app isse types page.Screenshot guide of submitting app logs.

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