How to fill the water tank for the Robot Vacuum

Further Assistance
Updated 09-27-2023 09:51:05 AM 16638
Ez a leírás a következő eszköz(ök)re alkalmazható:: 

Before You Start

• Fill with cool/room temperature water only. Be careful not to wet the metal contacts.

• Use only cleaning agents specified by Tapo. Others may corrode the water tank.

RV10/RV20 Mop

1. Take out the dustbin and water tank.

2. Remove the rubber plug and add water to the water tank.

3. Re-install the dustbin and water tank.

RV10 Plus/RV20 Mop Plus

1. Take out the dustbin and water tank.

2. Remove the rubber plug and add water to the water tank.

3. Re-install the dustbin and water tank.


1. Take out the dustbin and water tank.

2. Remove the rubber plug and add water to the water tank.

3. Re-install the dustbin and water tank.

RV30 Plus

1. Take out the dustbin and water tank.

2. Remove the rubber plug and add water to the water tank.

3. Re-install the dustbin and water tank.

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